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University Of Luxembourg

28+ Certified Alumni

Esch-sur-alzette, luxembourg

The University of Luxembourg, founded in 2003, is multilingual, international and strongly focused on research. Its students and staff have chosen a modern institution with a personal atmosphere, close to the European institutions, international companies and the financial place.

Teaching, research and knowledge transfer at the highest international level: those are the goals that this university set from the start. With 242 professors, associate professors and senior lecturers, students from 113 different countries and lecturers originating from 20 different countries, the University offers a multicultural environment. Exchange agreements and research cooperations exist with 354 universities around the world.

About 6,366 students (Bachelor, Master, PhD/Doctorate, learning courses, vocational training and lifelong learning) can choose from over 55 degrees, offered by:
- The Faculty of Science, Technology and Communication,
- The Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance,
- The Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education.

The central research priorities of the University of Luxembourg are:
- Materials Science
- Computer Science & ICT Security
- European and International Law
- Finance and Financial Innovation
- Education
- Contemporary and Digital History

as well as cross-disciplinary themes (details at https://www.uni.lu/research/focus_areas):
- Health and Systems Biomedicine
- Data Modelling and Simulation (formerly known as Computational Sciences)

World University Rankings
The University of Luxembourg ranked among the top 250 universities worldwide in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2018-2019.

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a public research university




economics, management, entrepreneurship, Leadership, Finance, Masters, Advanced Masters, MBA, Innovation, Digital Transformation, Bachelors, Research, PhD, Company Specific Programme, and International